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Bowel cancer is Australia's second biggest cancer killer and yet men over the age of fifty, ​who have spent the better part of twenty years living and caring for their families, aren't returning the test.



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Middle aged male
Tone is relaxed and chatty

Light music plays in background,
​little children can be

heard playing

​Background noise fades 


Male voice:
Ah, potty training. 
Remember teaching your little ones? 
Sure, sometimes it was messy... heck, sometimes it was chaos!
But do you remember the joy of seeing the pride on their little face,
knowing that they did it for you?
Nothing quite like it, potty training really does set your kids up for life.

Male is cut off by a younger, female voice:
Well, going potty could save your life Dad.

Male voice:
How's that?

Female voice:
​Everyone over fifty gets a free bowel cancer screening test and yours
is collecting dust! Here you go.

Male voice (jovially):
I guess you could say then it's time to poo it for your kids.

Female voice (giggles):
Oh Dad, I thought we were past the jokes...

Male voice:
Not a chance! Go on then hand it over, it's my turn to go Potty!

Music rises
Voice over:

Sponsored by the Cancer Council Australia, for more information visit our website at

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